Toby's reflecting pool

Life is a journey and sometimes we have to pause for a moment to reflect. I think of this "blog" as a reflecting pool. There will be lots of motivations, bits of wisdom, and lots of humor to read through.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Happy 4th of July everyone!!!! It was pouring down rain, but we still decided to drive to the Woodlands to see if we could watch the fireworks. When we got there, we decided to go to the parking garage. On the third level, there were people setup in lawnchairs and looking out for the fireworks. We decided to stay in the garage rather than walk along the bayou and be pounded by the rain.
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Monday, June 19, 2006

"Loving Eyes"

Snowball (momma cat) is having a lot of fun being a mother again. The picture above is her and her babies looking at each other with loving eyes. It's really wonderful to watch momma cats interact with their babies as they try to teach them how to survive in a world with humans. I think the biggest lesson they have to impart upon their young souls is to watch out for FEET from big humans with shoes!

The babies are just old enough to get feet under them. In a couple more days they will be running 90mph through the house and climbing the curtains!!! Then, it takes a full year to get them calmed down!!!!! Thankfully we will find homes for these loveable cuties and and this will be the last litter for momma cat. Posted by Picasa
Houston got flooded today! Thankfully, I was able to leave for work and not encounter any flooded streets, other than one little part on Scarsdale near the Gulf Freeway entrance. Only a few people showed up for work, and we got only a few calls throughout the day. It was nice to have a little break! None of the inside sales people made it in.

To the right is a picture I took Saturday at the U of H "Thanks for the Memories". I thought I would share some pictures!

I am taking an online course in photography from Sony's imagestation's website. They offer courses on using their cameras and they have a lot of very useful information. I recently bought the Sony H5, 7.2mp w/12x Optical zoom and want to get the most out of it. Next year, I am going to Hawaii and I want to capture the beauty of the Islands. I can hardly wait to plant my feet on Hawaii and enjoy a week of rest and relaxation. I have already started making my notes of what I want to do and where I want to go. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 18, 2006

U of H - Thanks for the Memories - "In Motion"


U of H -Thanks for the Memories

Yesterday, we went to a performance held by U of H that was very entertaining to say the least! I took my new camera, the Sony H5 and took nearly 700 pictures. They all came out very good, despite the fact that all the pictures were handheld and we were 23 rows from the stage! Below is one of the pictures that I took.

Photography is my hobby and I try to take as many pictures as I can. Last night was mostly a learning experience for me.

We stopped at Wendy's before going and I had their baked potato w/cheese and bacon and a chicken sandwich. I am trying to loose weight and I think I did pretty darned good with my choice. I'll have to watch it over the next few months as I want to go to Hawaii in March of '07 and want to drop as much weight as I possibly can.